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Cassia County president writes book

Oakley—From the Oakey foothills comes a cowboy writer, who not only rides the range but writes on the range.

"You know, like a lot of people that grew up in Agriculture, I always wanted to play cowboy," said Paul Marchant.

Cassia County President Paul Marchant has just published a new book called Musings of a Would-be Renaissance Cowboy.

"Well we're fortunate enough to have a book published, it's on Amazon. It's basically a collection of columns that I wrote through the years. I've basically been at this for over 10 years. I've had a lot of people encourage me to do it," said Marchant.

Marchant’s critically acclaimed column, Irons in the Fire is the basis of the book, it's cowboy lifestyle writing that’s landed him a legion of coast-to-coast readers.

"Use Baxter Black as a reference point, I'm not Baxter Black, but that kind of stuff," said Marchant. It's perspective? "Yea, right and I'll do a feature for them or a year-end market report. There are three magazines that I have columns in, a different one for each magazine," explained Marchant.

All the best columns have found their way into the book, and that's led to a bit of added fame:

"And it just amazes me that people recognize me from a picture in the magazine. I have a dear friend in South Dakota that I was walking in the stockyards at the Nationals in Denver and he quoted a line from something I'd written. I turned around, just because he recognized something in one of my columns and we're still good friends," said Marchant.

A lot of other friends and fans have bought the book, and it's doing well, And the new Cassia County President continues to write and ride the range. For the voice of Idaho Agriculture, I'm Jake Putnam