Pocatello farmer publishes second book
Pocatello--West of Pocatello, at Swore farm, you’ll find a vibrant operation. A truck farm that produces just about everything. This time of year its pumpkins, and even a corn maze. During the year its corn, tomatoes, fresh fruit and vegetables.
But there’s a new crop growing here, from the imagination, of farmer Wendy Swore.
"I just signed a two-book deal. So "The Wish and Peacock" is a story that takes place in Pocatello, North of Pocatello, like here. It's about a girl who doesn't want her farm to sell and she goes to war with the Real Estate agent to try and save her farm and heal a wounded peacock they found," said Swore.
Wendy’s last book, "A Monster Like Me," made a big splash at Amazon. With the Halloween rush over at the farm, Wendy can once again focus on writing and publishing and yet another revenue stream for the farm.
"I'm talking with my agent and we're talking about what I'm going to write this winter. We have several stories in the works, so we'll have a new one in the works every year," said Swore.
Pretty exciting when you consider that this offseason writer, the full-time farmer is this good at her new craft, this fast. Her last book did very well and that's stepped up demand.
"It did really well, the publishers are very happy with the numbers and sales. On the cover and on the Amazon site it says 'by the author of "A Monster Like Me." by me, which is exciting.
"I try not to check out my rank and I also don't read the reviews, I'm just happy that people are enjoying the book and I need to just focus on the writing," added Swore.
This five-star author now starts research on her 3rd book…
Look for Wendys The wish and the Peacock on Amazon February 4th.
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