Cherry Hill Farms--Still farming
A spectacular sight, and a rite of spring, It's Blossom time on Cherry Hill Farm south of Nampa.
“So my name is Maurina Rowley and we’re up here on Cherry Hills Farms. We have been farming up here for about nine and a half years. We started in Utah and we have expanded to Idaho to give family members an opportunity to be a part of the farm and have their families up here to be able to work with each other,” said Rowley.
And Marina is on a mission, to share her magnificent farm with as many city people as possible.
“We have created some new opportunities to give people the option of buying fruit from us and to be able to be involved with the farm. So we decided last year that we would give the public the opportunity to come out and enjoy the farm and be able to pick fruit,” said Rowley.
Last fall they had a harvest tour, this spring they had a blossom tour and when the fruit comes on in the fall people can come out and pick fruit.
“I think a lot of people go to the store and get their produce and they think that’s awesome and they take it home and ya know, they eat it and move on with their life,” said Rowley. “But, until you come out to the farm you don’t understand what goes into growing an apple or growing a peach or a cherry. And all the stress and worry that goes into it. So this time of year is actually one of those times of year that tough. Because we will get really warm, the weather on the farm, and then it will get really cold and it's not good for our fruit. Especially if we reach a certain temperature. On the farm, we actually have temperature probes that let us know when it gets too cold and when it does, it calls, and alerts us. All the managers are out here on the farm and are here till the temperatures are not as low. We have wind machines that turn on and move air to try and keep it warm so we don’t lose as much fruit. We also will turn on the water to isolate them so that they’re not as susceptible to cold,” she added.”
And one thing city folk learns and love from the visit is that farms and family go hand in hand.
“My family can work together. And you know, it's okay! We can be tougher and our kids can learn how to work hard. It's something that will stick with them the rest of their life not only here on the farm but forever. This is awesome, so it's giving them opportunities that they wouldn’t have otherwise. Working on the farm together as a family is one of the biggest blessings and draws to keep farming. It's something we enjoy and love and together makes it better for us." said Rowley.
"My name is Maurina Rowley and I'm here at Cherry Hill Farms. We are still farming because it's the best thing for us as a family as well as for our world,” she said.
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